| Hunger Stats |
You have 4 different stages on your Unique Breedables Hunger Stats:
Normal (0% - 49%)
Your Breedable is fine.
Got the Munchies (50% - 74%)
Hovertext changed to yellow - Hovertext on your Breedable show 'Got the Munchies'
Your Breedable needs Bananas, check on your UB Food Storage HUD if you have any Bananas in your Account. Feeding Bananas will bring the hunger back to 0% and back to 'Normal'.
Sick (75% - 100%)
Hovertext changed to red. - Hovertext on your Breedable show 'Sick' - Sick Texture instead of the Fur is showing on your Animal.
Your Breedable is now Sick, it really is desperate for Bananas now. Feeding Bananas will bring the hunger back to 0% and back to 'Normal'.
Starved (100%)
Hovertext changed to red. - Hovertext on your Breedable show 'Starved' - Sick Texture instead of the Fur is showing on your Animal.
Your Breedable was 'Sick' for too long now. It requires a Healing Kit now to get back to 'Normal'